How To Keep A Podcast Going (GUEST BLOG)

When it comes to podcasting, keeping a podcast going can come with a unique set of challenges. There’s the matter of finding a topic or topics to cover, or booking regular or rotating guests to interview. Then there’s actually finding the time to record, to edit, to format for iTunes or other platforms, and to promote on social media, only to turn right around and do it all over again a week later. There’s also the task of generating audience interest in your podcast among an ever-­increasing number of other options vying for your online audience’s attention.

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Luckily, there are a few solutions that can help keep your podcasting momentum moving forward. First, set aside the time needed for all aspects of your podcast operation (recording, editing, etc.). That ensures that you have a designated window on your calendar solely dedicated to keeping your podcast alive. Secondly, make sure you’re excited about your content. Meaning, book guests you actually want to talk to and who you know your audience wants to hear from. Or cover topics or events you’re excited to focus on. If you’re excited about your podcast, you’ll be more motivated to find time and energy to keep it going. Finally, don’t be afraid to evolve. Once you’ve been podcasting for one year, three years, or five years, look back at where you started and consider where you want to go next and how you want to do so. If your podcast remains new and exciting to you, it will to your audience as well, and you’ll be more motivated to pursue it.

Jaime Black is the founder and host of Dynasty Podcasts, the first ever and longest-running music podcast in the City of Chicago’s history. Now in its tenth year, the podcast just launched its line­-wide reboot initiative, #DynastyNext.


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