Rivet Blog

A growing trend amongst people lately is to label themselves quite easily and freely as a social media expert. The truth is, nobody is the ultimate guru and expert as the landscape is in constant flux. It is hard to imagine that anyone can be some kind of swami. With technology that grows old within a short time and with platforms that are only relevant for a few years, I think there are some general lessons around audience, content quality/quantity and making effective use of social media that can really help you identify the basics. With that said, if you are savvy enough, you can accomplish amazing things and master the craft of social media.

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Audience participation

Hosting a show should never be a one-way dialog.

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Which Rivet newsroom story got shared the most in July, and what was the secret to its success? 

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If the past few months have been any indication, we’re in for a long, fluffy, gaffe- and poll-filled ramp-up to the 2016 presidential elections. As the former producer and social media manager for Ken Rudin’s Political Junkie podcast for nearly two years and a lifetime avowed news junkie, I’ve successfully slimmed down my Twitter lists

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Which Rivet newsroom story got shared the most in June, and what was the secret to its success? 

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Social media sharing

Sharing content on social media is a must for audience-building. As the saying goes, “everyone in the audience has an audience.”

FullSizeRenderThe Rivet newsroom started an internal social media contest last year, with the goal of getting team members to put their best stuff on multiple platforms. The most-visited story on Rivet’s website each month (as determined by Google Analytics’ unique pageviews) gives the trophy (and 30 days worth of bragging rights) to the person (or people) responsible for creating the story.

Our most-visited story for May 2015 was written and produced by reporter Ron Brown:

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